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What Is Neurolens? in Saskatoon

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Do you suffer from:

  • Chronic headaches
  • Motion sickness
  • Dizziness
  • Light sensitivity
  • Eye strain
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Dry eyes

There are now special glasses lenses that can help reduce your symptoms and provide you with more comfortable vision. At The Eye Studio, we are proud to offer Neurolens technology to our patients!

Neurolens is a special type of prescription glasses that helps your eyes coordinate better together and helps restore comfortable vision, especially for near vision. Think about how much of your day is spent on a device or up close reading: are your eyes comfortable at the end of the day? 

How Does Neurolens Work?

Neurolens uses a contoured prism to help your eyes transition seamlessly from looking from distance to near. This prism helps your eyes work better as a team, effectively relieving your symptoms.

A lot of people tend to look past an object that they are trying to focus on; their eyes have to strain to see things clearly, and it is hard for them to coordinate together. With Neurolens, the lenses do some of the work for you so that your eyes feel better!

Neurolens technology has been life-changing for some of our patients, giving them more symptom-free days and helping their eyes function better throughout the day. If you would like to be evaluated to see if Neurolens is right for you, book an appointment for a routine eye exam today!

Written by Dr. Anna Matiko

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