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My Experience With Neurolenses

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So… what are Neurolenses anyways? I’ll tell you a bit about my story. I remember when I first heard of Neurolenses and thought that there is no way a pair of glasses can help with all of the following symptoms:

  • Migraines
  • Headaches
  • Eye Strain
  • Neck & Shoulder Pain
  • Motion Sickness
  • Light Sensitivity
  • Dry Eyes
  • Dizziness

I started getting bad migraines and headaches in 2020 and was under the care of a neurologist. I tried many medications and all of them had awful side effects, and we were at the point where we were going to try injecting botox all over my head and down my neck and shoulders. To say I was desperate to feel better would have been an understatement. So, when the Neurolens rep approached me, at that point, I had nothing to lose so I gave them a go. 

Long story short, I would say I’m about 80% better, and guess what the best part is? I am off all of my migraine medications!  For me, I gained my quality of life back and feel like when I’m not feeling good, it’s way more manageable than waking up at 3am in excruciating pain. As a side note, Neurolenses are a type of lens that can go into any frame, and they look like normal glasses!

Eye Misalignments + Binocular Vision Disorder

So, what is an eye misalignment anyways? It’s exactly how it sounds – it’s when your eyes don’t line up the way they should. As many as 80% of adults have small misalignments, and we always knew this, however what we didn’t realize is that attempting to treat small misalignments could cause such an improvement in the symptoms we listed above. Eye misalignments are synonymous with BVD, or binocular vision disorder. When you have a BVD, you can treat it with traditional vision therapy approaches, or now, you can try a pair of glasses out with the Neurolens technology!

The way I describe a misalignment to my patients is that when you go to do things up close (reading, texting, computer work, etc), your eyes naturally have to converge to do that (converge = move inward). Now in a lot of people, our eyes don’t want to converge, and they want to stay misaligned, and that is what Neurolens treats! It uses something called “prism” in your glasses and prism forces your eyes into better alignment. We as optometrists have always prescribed prism, but we usually use it for more severe or ‘obvious’ cases. Neurolens uses something called ‘contoured prism’ where the prism naturally increases as you look down the lens, so your near activities have more prism than your distance does. THIS is why the technology works so well! 

What We Have Seen

We have seen some really cool results with Neurolenses – we had patients on disability because they were unable to look at any sort of screen go BACK to work full time. We have had patients literally cry at pick up because they didn’t know this was the way their eyes SHOULD feel. It’s been amazing to be a part of these patients’ health care journeys, and that is why we offer a complimentary Neurolens screener on every routine eye exam. Also, the best part is that we have a money back guarantee so if you try them and it doesn’t make any difference in your symptoms, we have your back. 

If you want to know if you’d be a good candidate for Neurolenses, please give us a call to book in for a routine eye exam at 306-952-6464, or visit

For more info, please see our website

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Thanks for stopping by!

-Dr. Courtney Kennedy

Written by KennedyEyeClinic

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